Energy Efficiency Tips
There are many ways you can lower your bill by conserving energy. Lower your energy bill the easy way with our quick and practical tips.

Using your water heater efficiently:
- Keep your hot showers as short as possible. Aim for 5-10 minute showers.
- Take showers rather than baths. On average, a five-minute shower uses 10 gallons of water; a bath uses 15-25 gallons.
- Change your settings. Set your water heater to 120 degrees. Plus, use the “vacation” setting when away for long periods.
- Run your dishwasher only when it’s full. Also, set your water temperature to no higher than 140 degrees.

Saving energy in the kitchen:
- Change your settings. When cooking, use a medium or low flame when possible.
- Size matters. Match the size of your flame to the size of your pan.
- Keep burner surfaces clean. Clean your cooktop thoroughly and often for more efficient operation.
- Prevent escaped heat. Cover pots and pans when bringing water to a boil. Also, avoid opening the oven door while cooking.

In the laundry room, you can:
- Wait to do full loads. Wash and dry full loads instead of partial loads for savings.
- Do consecutive loads. Dry consecutive loads of clothing to take advantage of retained heat.
- Change your settings. Use the cold setting on your washing machine as much as possible, and use hot only when necessary.
- Avoid using the dryer and let clothes air dry instead.
- Clean your dryer’s lint filter after each use. Remove lint from the dryer vent after every load.

For your pool, you can:
- Run your pool pump for a span of eight hours when the water temperature is higher than 70 degrees, and for six hours when it’s below 70 degrees.
- Cover your pool when it’s not in use, which can save you up to 50% on pool heating costs.

More tips that can also help:
- Replace or clean filters. Clean or replace dirty AC and furnace filters every couple of months.
- Change your settings. Keep your thermostat set at 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter.
- Look for energy-efficient appliances. When replacing your current appliances, choose ENERGY STAR® models.
- DIY. Decrease your hot water usage by repairing leaky faucets or installing low-flow shower heads.