Meter Reading
Our goal is to make every experience with Florida Public Utilities an outstanding one. Florida Public Utilities reads residential, commercial and industrial meters every month. You can expect to receive your bill soon after your meter is read. Please keep in mind that your bill may vary each month due to energy usage, long and short months, and holiday periods.
Accurate readings ensure that you are paying for the exact amount of electricity you use, not an estimated amount. If for some reason we cannot read your meter in a given month, you will receive a system-generated bill, which is calculated by considering past usage and adjusting it for exact weather conditions. If a system-generated bill is incorrect, any overcharge or undercharge will be corrected the following month. Thus, you are only billed for the electric you actually use.
Don’t Hesitate: Ask to see a Company Photo ID
If a meter reader approaches your property, don’t hesitate to ask to see their company photo ID. If you’re in doubt about the identity of someone coming to your home, call us at 800.427.7712. If you feel threatened, call 911. Each meter reader is trained to read your meter accurately and to respect your property while performing this service.
How to Read Your Meter
- Read all the dials from right to left, and write the numbers down from right to left.
- When the hand on any dial is between two numbers, read the lower number.
- If the pointer appears to be exactly on a number, record the next lowest number unless the pointer on the dial to its right has passed zero.
DIAL 1: The pointer is directly on number 5. Record as 5.
DIAL 2: The pointer has just passed 9 and is between 9 and 0. Record as 9.
DIAL 3: The next dial has passed 8 and is between 8 and 9. Again, record the lower number, which is 8.
DIAL 4: The pointer looks like it is right on the 4, but the dial to its right has not passed nine. So, you would record this dial as 3.
DIAL 5: The pointer is between 8 and 9. Record the lower number which the pointer just passed, which is 8.

Digital Meter

On-Demand Meter for Commercial usage
How to Read Your Electric Meter
- Jot down the number displayed on your meter, making sure that you include the decimal point.
- Note the time and date that you took your reading.
- Compare this to the reading on your bill. If the number is larger than the number on your bill, your statement is correct.
Accuracy of Your Meter
Estimated Billings
Unusual conditions may prevent our meter readers from reading your meter. In such an event, you may receive an estimated bill. If we have estimated your bill, the amount will be based on the quantity of electricity used for a similar period of time, adjusted for current conditions.Your bill will indicate that it is an estimated reading. When we read your meter the next month, we will adjust your bill to reflect any amount over or under our estimate. To avoid estimated bills, you can assist us by:
- Trimming brush and shrubs in front of your meter
- Keeping pets away from the meter reader’s path
- Requesting that we move your meter before building decks or additions, which may prevent our access.*
- Supplying a key for locked gate access
*The Company will relocate your meter. A fee may apply for this service. To obtain more detailed information, please call 800.427.7712. Customers remain responsible for relocating fuel lines connecting the meter to their gas appliance.
Submit Your Meter Read
In months when we don’t read your meter, your monthly bills will include the word “estimated” next to the meter reading. We base your estimated charges on weather conditions and prior monthly energy use. We adjust your bill to reflect actual usage every time we read your meter. If you prefer, you can read and submit your meter reading to us.
"*" indicates required fields