Report an Electric Outage
We apologize for the service outage you are experiencing. Please report your outage by using the form below. Our staff and crews will work as diligently and safely as possible to resolve your outage issues.
Please note: You can also report your outage by calling 800.427.7712. Please remember to stay far away from all downed lines and always assume they are energized.
If this is a medical emergency, please contact 9-1-1
Important Power Line Safety Message
ALWAYS ASSUME ALL POWER LINES ARE ACTIVE AND DANGEROUS, BE SURE TO STAY AWAY. Do not drive on them. Do not touch them. Should you come across a downed power line, including lines that could be downed within a tree, or across a tree line, report it to us immediately at 800.427.7712.
Consider all wires energized and dangerous. Even de-energized lines may become energized at any time. Stay at least 30 feet away from downed lines.